Partners in Success
Coaching is a one-on-one process that focuses on the success of the leader. We are partners and I only take on clients who care as much about their lives as I do.
Jean Erickson Walker
I will:
- Challenge you to take control of your life and your career
- Provoke you through thoughtful consideration of the issues involved in leadership
- Inspire and motivate you to challenge your own expectations and to stretch your limits
- Tickle your imagination and urge you to question, “What if?”
- Guide you through mid-life career transition and purposeful preparation for the next phase of your career

Who are my clients?

Leaders and Managers who want to take their careers to the next level, change careers, or explore their own potential and create the future.
You don’t have to climb glaciers in Alaska, but you do have to leave your comfort zone.
Jean Erickson Walker
What are the benefits?
- Discuss current issues with a thoughtful, objective career professional who understands the marketplace
- Gain perspective and enhance your understanding of yourself and others.
- Inspire commitment, using the power of leadership to energize others
- Explore the possibilities for your future and design a career path that leverages your strengths
- Develop a compelling brand image that differentiates you in the marketplace
Senior Executives and Managers

- New Hires at Senior Levels
- Recently Promoted
- Position at Risk
- Self-Development
- Problem Solving
- Challenges in Dealing with Boards of Directors, Direct Reports, Customers, Suppliers
- Thought Partner
- Interpersonal Relations
- Life/Career Planning
- High Potential Candidates: Succession Planning
- Developing Effective Teams: Hiring New Direct Reports, Team Building
- Strategic Planning
- Performing Under Potential
- Derailed: Formerly Successful
- Seeking New Positions
- Changing Careers
- Technical Roles Requiring Leadership/Management Development
Senior Executives and Managers often reach these positions because they are recognized as experts in their field. However, moving into senior roles they often learn the hard way that their role is not to be a subject matter expert, it is to bring out the best in other people. They are no longer the stars; they will only be successful if they identify and hire stars, then lead and manage them to work effectively as a team. What exactly is Leadership? What is their natural leadership style and how can it be enhanced, improved, made more effective? How do they relate to the multiple constituencies and stakeholders that now look to them for direction and inspiration? What is Management? What does it mean to not only manage the work but to manage people, to manage customer expectations, to develop a supportive Board?
Learning and Growth Topics
- Management vs Leadership
- The Seven Powers of Leadership
- Strategies for Leadership Excellence
- Across the Generational Divide
- Dealing with Difficult People
- Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace: Why is it people with high IQ so often end up working for people with high EQ?
- ReInventing Your Career
- Differentiating Yourself in the Marketplace
- The Age Advantage: Making the most of your mid-life career transition
- Turning Boards of Directors into Business Partners
- I Speak, You Speak: Is anybody Listening?
- Getting the Job You Want When You’re Over 50
- Starting Out on the Right Foot When You’re the New Boss
- Judgment Notwithstanding: Making a Good Impression with Your New Boss

The key to success is Interpersonal Relationships. At this level it’s not a solo endeavor. It’s multiplying your talents, knowledge, skills and experience with the people you lead and managing to go far beyond what any of you could have imagined.
Jean Erickson Walker